
Mexico Adds Petroleum and Petro Chemical Import Requirements

October 25, 2023

On Monday, October 23, Mexico’s Federal Government issued an official decree that adds additional permit requirements to the importation of products that include, but are not limited to, certain types of gasoline, diesel, biodiesel, crude petroleum or bituminous mineral oils, fuel oils, petroleum coke, certain chemicals and other petrochemical products.  

Here is a link to the decree that is now in effect: https://dof.gob.mx/nota_detalle.php?codigo=5706285&fecha=23/10/2023#gsc.tab=0

As a result of this action, CPKC has placed an embargo on impacted STCC codes until such time importers utilizing CPKC service verify possession of the applicable import permits.  Please reference Railinc for specific commodity information: https://embargo.railinc.com/#/embargo/searchEmbargo

CPKC will continue to closely monitor this situation and will provide updates to affected customers as necessary.  

For up-to-date information on specific impacts to your shipments or other problem resolution inquiries, please contact Customer Service in Mexico or Customer Solutions in the U.S. 

Thank you in advance for your continued patience and support.