
Carta Porte - update #13 – FINAL reminder Waybills via MyKCS

February 28, 2022

As of February 14, 2022, shippers who use MyKCS to create their waybills for shipments with an origin and/or destination in Mexico had to include the additional fields required by the SAT for commodity codes.   Since this day, KCS has reviewed waybills missing this information and have assisted to ensure the data was collected to allow for the shipment to occur as scheduled. 

As a final reminder, as of tomorrow, March, 1, 2022, this additional review will no longer be available and shippers must enter the data required into MyKCS. Failure to enter the required data as of this date will result in the inability to create a waybill or ship within Mexico. Additionally, MyKCS will no longer auto-populate the SAT Commodity Code based on the STCC code you enter, but we will continue to provide this commodity mapping table to help you find the SAT commodity code for your shipment.  

In an effort to prepare you for these changes, we have created training manuals with screenshots to facilitate the transition. They can be found on MyKCS à Other Info and Help à Manuals, Video Tutorials and Descriptions. We strongly encourage you to familiarize yourselves with the requirements that will go into effect well before the March 1st due date.       

As a reminder and communicated on December 29, 2021, the SAT recently published a “grace period” where penaltiesi would not be enforced until March 31, 2022. This provision was published in the Miscellaneous Tax Rules of 2022 in the Federal Gazette of December 27, 2021, and can be found in the transitory section here.    

Key dates to remember:

  • March 1, 2022:  MyKCS’ new waybill screens are required for all Mexico shipments (no workarounds)
  • March 31, 2022:  Grace period ends from the SAT for the Carta Porte program

The above instructions and all content, updates, dates and communications related to Carta Porte can be found in the newly created Carta Porte page in our Rail Resource Center on our website. 

As a reminder, the Carta Porte requirements apply to all shipping companies (cargo airlines, trucks, maritime, railroads, etc.). This applies to cross-border, international, and Mexican domestic shipments. This supersedes any provision to the contrary that may exist in any rule, tariff, rate, or contract previously published or entered by KCSM.  

Should you have any questions on this program, please don’t hesitate to contact our KCSM Customers Solutions Center for your Sales Account Executive who will be happy to answer your questions.  

Thank you for being a loyal Kansas City Southern customer and we look forward to continuing to serve you.

i KCSM will not initiate the transport of goods, nor receive them in interchange from other carriers, without having the necessary information from shippers that would allow KCSM to issue the bill of lading (Carta Porte) and the invoice, prior to the provision of the freight rail transportation service, including any service provided by third parties hired by customers and restrictions imposed by any Mexican Government entity. Our expectation is that our customers are also working to be fully compliant so there will be no risk of delayed shipments or additional fees or penalties. Shippers will reimburse and indemnify KCSM for any losses and damages caused, as well as for the cost and expenses incurred, as a consequence of the inaccuracy of the information provided to KCSM by them or by their representatives, including without limitation, for any detentions, penalties and fines determined by the tax and customs authorities.